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                                                    OUR CIVILISATION, MY CARE
From a many days i wanted to write something. there are a lot of things to talk but, on which topic it is to be this is a problem. and simply we cant choose a topic .bcoz it should be that which should be beneficial to someone, one could relate to oneself, which inspire someone, which change something inside you after reading, you feel some thing new to yourself. so it become very difficult to choose. another problem is, person should have sound knowledge on the topic on which talk is to be done. today, the topic on which I am going to address is to be appreciated in our society, a brief talk is to be done, some step is to be taken ahead. it is our responsibility. no one outsider will come and solve this out.
                                  now, come to the point. my first question to myself and of course  you is that why we are forgetting our own civilization, our culture, our ancestor. yeah, it is ok to inspire from western culture, I am not saying it is wrong. we should respect all culture, and learn something from. but, not on the cost of our. we must have atleast a look  on our own. our ancestor was not legged behind from others. there are many one who make us proud. pronounciating their name our chest wide up. I am not going to discuss name because you people knew it. my point is very clear. you go for search, spend your time, have your own interpretation which you love, be inspired.
                              another, point I wanna convey is that why todays youth feel very proud to go and use foreign company's product and behave like those.  there are many our's we can go to that. why not we should be swadeshi .
                            we all want to something for our country. but, we stop thinking that no I couldn't. I don't hve opportunity. I don't have power I am not on that stage , ia ma a student, ia am a housewife etc. all are excuses. we can be a participant in development of our country . by simply doing these few things.start investing your time, money and all the thing which you think yeah it is going to be done for our country not foreginers. iam not suggesting the way how it could be. but.......
                                                 it is you to think,
                                                 it is you to invent..
                                                 it is you to do..
                                                 it is you to participate
                                                  it is you to care
                                                 it is you to feel


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